International actions
International and National Campaign Development and Strategy
The project beneficiaries, coordinated by JWT, will develop the general approach of the international campaign, its strategy and its image. The creativity will be the same across the countries and will be translated and adapted to the different communications tools used.
Responsible of the action: LIPU (in cooperation with JWT) -
International Workshop in Greece an international workshop on Bird Crime in the Mediterranean will be organized.
The workshop will raise the awareness of the Law enforcement agencies and the decision makers and will facilitate the exchange of best practices in persecuting the illegal bird killers.
Responsible of the action: HOS -
High level international conference on Illegal killing
As a closing event an international conference will be held in Rome in 2015 for national decision makers of the countries involved in the project, regional authorities and the main stakeholders such as hunting associations, law enforcement agencies, journalists and the European Commission. Prized will be given to those law enforcement agents who have been outstanding in promoting the campaign message.
Responsible of the action: LIPU.
In Italy
Training of local staff and volunteers
Local staff and volunteers in will received specific training on communication, media relations and public awareness to ensure the message are well delivered and received at in the hot spot. Responsible of the action: LIPU
Radio and Press Advertisement
The campaign will be developed with different communication tools, also with the more traditional ones: press advertisement and radio advertisement. Press advertisement will be delivered through newspaper, monthly and specific, dedicated press, at international, national and local level. Radio spot guarantees reaching specific targets selected by geographic references, age, socio demographic variables). Responsible of the action: LIPU (development by JWT).
Internet campaign
An important part of the communication strategy will be based on new media, that deliver the message more effectively and efficiently to the target audience of young people. The internet communication has the objective to intercept and capture the interest of people (especially aged 18-30) and engage them. The Internet tools used in the campaign will be:
Viral video: a modern tool extremely effective to reach a large number of people. The viral video becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites, social media and email..
Banner: this is the online version of press advertisement.
Facebook page: the Social media contribute to develop all the phases of the approach with our target groups.
Responsible of the action: LIPU (development by JWT).
Press Office
The press office will works to create visibility for the campaign in Italian mass media (television, radio, press, web), with attention also to the international ones at European level. An action plan will be prepared matching the communication and projects activities and milestones.
The press office will work with specifically media dealing with nature, in order to have them talking about the “Safe Haven for Wild Birds” campaign, the beauty and biodiversity of Sardinia (Sulcis), the illegal killing and its impact on protected birds, targetting also TV programs aimed at a younger audience. At the local level, LIPU staff will specifically target Sardinian regional media (newspapers, TV and radio) to obtaining their support to the campaign. Responsible of the action: LIPU
Celebrities endorsement
Celebrities with a positive will be asked to act as ambassadors of the campaign message in order to amplify and boost the campaign’s strength. Responsible of the action: LIPU
Awareness events at local middle and high schools in Sardinia
The project will develop and implement an environmental education program in Sulcis’ schools specifically designed to develop students and teachers as environmental stewards. With the emphasis placed on a democratic and participatory approach, the program will encourage students to take an active role in how their school can be run for the benefit of the local environment, highlighting the importance of civic values.
The program will focus on three core themes:
Discover and appreciate local nature wonders and in particularly wildlife;
Be aware about the risks of wildlife illegal and unsustainable killing and taking;
Be committed in wildlife protection.
Responsible of the action: LIPU
Public events at hot spot
Public events will be organized in the Sulcis targhette to local communities to raise awareness of the ibiodiversity importance of the area and on the impact of the local illegal killing of birds at local and european level, The events will be organized every year in Spring and Autumn. Responsible of the action: LIPU
Awareness raising actions for local authorities and law enforcement agencies
Specific events will be organized to raise awareness among local authorities and law enforcement agencies; formal and informal meeting will be organized aimed at explaining the seriousness of the impact of poaching on biodiversity at both local and European level and giving examples of successful strategies in addressing this problem. Responsible of the action: LIPU
In Greece
National communication campaign
HOS, working with a national communication company, will implement the national campaign delivering the internationally agreed message; it will target the selected groups: hunting associations, tourists, politicians and young adults. The campaign will go through three ‘development stages’ to improve engagement of the target groups using different tools: newspapers, TV and radio, social network and promotional material (poster, pins, etc). Responsible of the action: HOS
Local informative events
The aim of this action is to introduce and elaborate on the core message of the campaign to local target audience groups and stakeholders in the five target islands (Corfu, Zakynthos, Paxoi, Strofadia, Othonoi. Moreover, the informative events aim to engage the community and encourage live discussion in public regarding the contentious issue of spring killing.
More specifically, the objectives of the events are:
Raise understanding the problems the project aims to tackle
To involve and empower individuals from the local community that wish to publicly support the campaign
To instigate a public discussion that will precipitate a change to both the illegal hunters, as they will feel pressure from the local community, as well to the locals that are against spring killing, as the events will provide a public safe space for them to express opinion and make alliances.
Responsible of the action: HMSD
Local raising awareness session for the mass media
Informative sessions will be organized by the HOS staff for the local media, to assist journalists to overcome the major bias that exists in the local media in support of spring killing, to increase interest about the campaign’s messages and organize collaborations between HMSD, HOS and the local media. The sessions will be organized in the two largest islands Zakynthos and Corfu. Responsible of the action: HMSD
Local dissemination of viral video and information material
The viral video will be screened at the Airport of Corfu and possibly other airports in the Ionian Islands, as well as in key travelling hubs, such as bus stations (2 central ones in total), travel agencies (more than 10 on each island) and tourist information offices. This action targets both national and foreign visitors. Moreover, the viral video will be screened during the informative events, during the mobile exhibitionand it will be included in the environmental education package for the schools and the local media folder. Other information materials (brochure-poster and the comic book) of the national campaign will be disseminated locally. Responsible of the action: HMSD
Local information kiosks
An information kiosk will be set up in Zakynthos during the spring and summer months (April-September) of both Year 2 and 3 of the Project, providing information about migratory birds and illegal killing, being an “info-point” for the visitors of the island regarding the project. The information kiosk will be run by the Local Communication Officer of the HMSD and local volunteers, part of the HOS “Important Bird Areas Caretakers network”. Responsible of the action: HMSD
Local volunteers seminar
To establish a group of volunteers in the Ionian Islands, a volunteers training seminar will be implemented. This will be possible through the participation of the Important Bird Areas Caretakers. The action will be implemented in year 2 of the Project and will include training in the European and national legislation regarding illegal killing of wild birds, in ways of intervening in cases of threats in IBAs to organise public awareness events, running a press office and communications techniques. Responsible of the action: HOS.
Production of a short documentary
A short documentary will explore in depth the cultural and social roots of illegal killing in the Ionian Islands. It also aims to give a voice to local people that are negatively affected by this perceived “traditional activity” and to local authorities and decision makers that have expressed commitment to the Project. Responsible of the action: HOS.
Local environmental education campaign
The younger generations will be reach through environmental education activities aim ath make them understand their role in ensuring the long term conservation of biodiversity. Environmental Education campaign at local level in Greece. Responsible of the action: HOS.
Mobile exhibition
The Project results will be disseminated through a mobile exhibition. Responsible of the action: HOS.
In Spain
National communication campaign
At National level the communication campaign will be delivered through the work of the Press office (press releases, Press conferences, interviews, photos, and video clips for the TV). Furthermore the web (web page and social media). Responsible of the action: SEO.
Local awareness raising actions
Specific activities to raise the awareness of local communities on the value of migratory birds and the impact of their illegal killing and specifically by ‘parany’. The action aims at reaching two specific targets: Stiudents 8aged 12-16) and adult of local communities. During the three years the following will be delivered:
An environmental education programme targeting the schools of the three Autonomous Communities;
A travelling exhibition on the value of migratory birds and on the damages cause by poaching adn in particular by ‘parany’ to be used locally.
Informative material to be distributed to the people visiting the exhibition.
Public events in the villages and town where illegal killing of birds is more common
Metting with local media
Responsible of the action: SEO
Awareness raising actions for local authorities and law enforcement agencies
A workshop will be held aiming at informing and raising awareness about illegal killing of birds in paranys and building capacity among the law enforcement authorities. Responsible of the action: SEO