The law is on the lookout for feathered friends!

There are over 10,000 different species of birds and they come in all shapes, sizes. and colours. Some birds, such as ostriches and emus, do not fly, but most birds do. Birds can be found in a wide variety of habitats, from rainforests to tundra.

Birds play an important role in the ecosystem. They help control insect populations, pollinate plants, and spread seeds. Birds are also a food source for many other animals, including humans.

Many countries around the world have laws against the extermination of birds.

In some countries these laws are very strict and in others they are more lenient.

Here are some examples:

– In Russia, Article 258 of the Russian Criminal Code punishes illegal hunting, including the extermination of birds. Punishment may include a fine, correctional labour, arrest or imprisonment.
– In Ukraine, Article 248 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine also penalises illegal hunting, including the killing of birds. Punishment may include a fine, restriction of liberty or imprisonment.
– In Belarus, Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus punishes illegal hunting, including the killing of birds. Punishment may include a fine, arrest or imprisonment.
– In Kazakhstan, article 337 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan punishes illegal hunting, including the killing of birds. Punishment may include a fine, correctional labour or imprisonment.

Some countries also have special laws dedicated to the protection of birds. Most European countries have laws prohibiting the killing of birds.

These laws are based on the EU Birds Directive, which was adopted in 1979. The Directive aims to protect all species of wild birds in Europe.

– In Austria, the Nature Conservation Act (Naturschutzgesetz) prohibits the killing, capture and captivity of all wild birds.
– In Belgium, the Nature Conservation Act (Wet op de natuurbescherming) prohibits the killing, capturing and keeping in captivity of all wild birds.
– In Denmark, the Nature Conservation Act (Naturbeskyttelsesloven) prohibits the killing, capturing and keeping in captivity of all wild birds.
– In Finland, the Nature Conservation Act (Luonnonsuojelulaki) prohibits the killing, capture and captivity of all wild birds.
– In Germany, the Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz) prohibits the killing, capture and captivity of all wild birds.
– In Spain, a hunting law (Ley de Caza) prohibits the hunting of certain species of birds such as hawks and owls.
– In the USA, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act prohibits hunting most species of migratory birds.
– In the UK, the Wildlife and Countryside Protection Act prohibits the hunting of certain bird species such as eagles and falcons.

It is important to note that bird conservation laws can vary from country to country.

In addition to legislation, there are other measures to protect birds.

For example:

– Establishment of nature reserves and sanctuaries.
– Educating the public about the importance of protecting birds.
– Combating poaching.

All these measures help to preserve the number of birds and their habitats.

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    Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli

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